Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall Not For Social Conditioning

By Sean Nasir Brown

We all start off life as average men and women, but this doesn't mean that we do not have the ability to mold our lives according to our choice. We may feel as if we are the victims of fate, and although it is true that no man can escape his destiny (energy transmutation in other words physical death), we all have the capacity to rise above fate if we so choose. We are all given the opportunity at some point in our lives to decides for ourselves what we would like out of life.

The problem is that we are all born fools, for such is our human condition.

In our foolishness we take great pride in ourselves for being human. Consequently we demand for our ourselves certain privileges and rights, and then we make a huge fuss and become very upset if our demands are not met. Yet, look closely at man. Look at what he does to the planet, to his fellow men, and to the other creatures who share the planet with him. Look at man's secret emotions and his hidden thoughts. People have a great deal to say about ethics and morality, yet they carefully conceal feelings and thoughts that are often so vile and poisonous that they cause a psychic pollution which is even more destructive than physical pollution.

Man regards himself as being better than an animal-but mostly he lives and existence which is worse than that of animals.

If we live such lives, is it at all surprising that we end up feeling like victims? Mostly we live the lives we do because we fear that not to do so would be madness.


Take a closer look at man and compare your plight with his. Can you deviate from what you have grown up to believe is right-from what you have been taught is right? can you? the answer is, No.

We are kept in psychic bondage though our social conditioning. To keep a man in physical bondage is an act of slavery to keep him in psychic bondage is a heinous act of trickery. Yet since all of mankind is afflicted by this evil, all men participate in it. Man perpetuates this vile practice by inflicting it upon his own children. Thus it is that the actions of every man are constantly being defined by the debilitating mediocrity born of social conditioning.

Nuff said,


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