Sunday, September 19, 2010

Man Impaled By Metal Rod – For 11 Hours

A cyclist is lucky to be alive after falling off his bike and becoming impaled between the eyes by a metal rod sticking from the ground.

Bhuvaneswar Kumar was freed by a passer-by who cut the rod from the ground but was forced to leave 10 inches of metal wedged in the 30-year-old’s head.

Despite it penetrating his skull so deeply, Mr Kumar was still breathing and conscious.

He was taken to the nearest hospital in Mathura, India, but the small facility did not have the equipment to treat him so he went to Agra 25 miles away.

However, the hapless cyclist was turned away by two hospitals there so he was forced to travel 124 miles  to the capital New Delhi, where finally he was treated.

‘It was unbelievable that this man was still alive 11 hours after the accident,’ said Prof Mahesh Misra, who worked on Mr Kumar.

‘The rod had penetrated his skull between the eyes and his vertebrae, yet still he was breathing and conscious. The question we faced was how to remove it.’

Prof Misra hailed the 12-hour surgery, on September 9, as an incredible success.

‘There is no paralysis, he is talking and walking,’ he said.

‘God was definitely on his side. But this just shows how important it is to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.’

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